Who Is More Likely to Be Affected By Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is an eye condition caused by excess pressure on the optic nerve and can lead to vision loss if not treated early. The seasoned ophthalmologists at Baton Rouge Eye Physicians in Baton Rouge, LA can review your glaucoma condition and help find a suitable treatment to prevent blindness and other threats to your eye health. We recommend you visit us if you’re at a higher risk of experiencing glaucoma. The following is a list of those who are more likely to be impacted by the disease.
Older people are more likely to experience glaucoma
Older people will have a greater risk of glaucoma. As the eye tissue weakens, it becomes easier for someone to develop glaucoma. You can expect this risk to increase beginning at 60. The eye’s tissues will weaken enough to where it becomes harder for the eye to regulate its pressure levels.
African-Americans have a greater risk
Those of African descent also have a more dramatic risk of glaucoma before turning 60. African Americans who are at least 40 also could experience glaucoma. They are 6 – 8 times more likely than those of non-African descent to have glaucoma in their lifetime, so it's important to get regular screenings to catch any early signs of the disease.
Is glaucoma in your family history?
Anyone with a family tree that has a history of glaucoma could also experience glaucoma. The hereditary nature of glaucoma is unclear, but the risk of the condition could still be a threat for those with a history of glaucoma in their family.
Diabetes can be a factor
Diabetes is another common condition that can trigger glaucoma. Diabetes causes nerve damage in various parts of the body, including in the eyes. The eye nerves may struggle to regulate pressure if they are too weak due to diabetes. Those with diabetes will be at least twice as likely as non-diabetics to have glaucoma.
Smoking also increases your risk
Smoking cigarettes can increase the risk of multiple eye diseases and conditions, including glaucoma. There is a strong link to smoking and high blood pressure, cataracts, diabetes and other health issues that can lead to glaucoma. Smokers also experience an increase in ocular eye pressure over nonsmokers, which increases the likelihood of developing glaucoma.
Regular screenings are necessary to detect signs of glaucoma
If you fall under any of these risk factors for glaucoma, you’ll want to get regular screenings for early detection. Our team at Baton Rouge Eye Physicians in Baton Rouge, LA can complete a dilated eye exam to review the inside part of your eye. The approach helps check if there are any problems with your eye and optical nerves.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can serve your eye health needs
You can request a review with us at Baton Rouge Eye Physicians in Baton Rouge, LA to see if you have glaucoma or any other eye condition. Be sure to consult us regularly if you are at higher risk of glaucoma. You can schedule an appointment with us online today.